Saturday, June 1, 2013

Preacherman Blues 2 - Featured on 21 Blackstreet

Sometimes a sequel, can be good or bad for a story. In my own personal opinion, it depends on how well the first story was written. The foundation of any story must be extremely solid, for a sequel to follow. Preacherman Blues 2 is a classic because the author, Jihad Williams laid every brick correctly. The book is now featured on 21 Blackstreet and is an awesome read.

The story centers around TJ Money, the black version of J.R. Ewing in terms of his activities. He gets whatever he wants, even if it means crushing some lives in the process. His image is truly the only thing that matters to him. He is offered the opportunity to succeed the First Black President and he is excited. However, there are 4 women who are determined to give him a taste of his own medicine. These are 4 women, that he wronged on his way to the top. The story is so riveting that you will not be able to put this one down.

To watch a powerful person fall is a beautiful thing and that is just what these women are looking to do. Mr. Jihad Williams does an excellent job of creating the atmosphere and the plot is incredible. 21 Blackstreet is featuring this book on their digital platform, as well as a few others written by Jihad Williams. These books include, “Wild Cherry,” “MVP,” and the original “Preacherman Blues” as well. His entire collection is one big masterpiece and 21 Blackstreet is the perfect home for it.

Preacherman Blues 2 - Featured on 21 Blackstreet

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